Price: 50.00 45.00 EUR

The LORD rank offers you the perks specified below:

Keep in mind, specific perks can be disabled in certain cases (doesn't need to be mentioned), to avoid unfairness and to help create a better gameplay experience for everyone. *Every higher rank has perks from lower ranks.

━━━ GLOBAL ━━━

Prefix: LORD

Ability to fly in hub/lobbies

━━━ SMP ━━━

Backpack size 6

Commands: /ender (/ec), /workbench, /cartographytable, /grindstone, /look, /anvil, /ptime, /pweather, /stonecutter, /smithingtable, /nick, /fly

Player Warp limit 10

Auction House items listed 20

━━━ ADDONS ━━━

*Have at least 10 slots free in your inventory when making a purchase so you will recieve your crate keys!

40.000$ money
 Copper Crate Key
 Iron Crate Key
 Golden Crate Key

1x Diamond Crate Key

1x Netherite Crate Key
7.000 Claim Blocks (Survival)

If you don't get your reward in 10-15 minutes join our discord server or contact us via [email protected]